Gypsy Academy
The children who form the Gypsy Academy in The Hague come from many different cultures and countries and are a truly international musical community from their very first lesson on. Their parents chose to have their child taught the violin by the international and worldwide spread and available Suzuki Method, as successfully taught during the last 40 years by
These sometimes very young children learn to play the violin also in a group, with parental involvement, and participated already in a lot of concerts, before Stieneke met grey-haired Herr Martin Schaefer, a very experienced musician, who is called the Gypsy Violinist by children and parents alike.
He was born in Germany, worked with his Children Gypsy Orchestra’s in Paris, southern France, Austria, Switzerland and Italy, and even in a circus school! He has
Nowadays former Suzuki student of
For over twelve years, The Hague has had a real academy where children can learn folk music and gypsy music. Three times a year they come at the same times as usual, but TWO teachers are waiting for them to teach them more and more difficult tricks of this sport every time. The children look forward to it. And secretly find it even more fun than the “regular” lessons, which are actually a small party, compared to the traditional lessons that parents sometimes remember from THEIR youth … Well.
Sinds een twaalftal jaren kent Den Haag een heuse academie waar kinderen volksmuziek en zigeunermuziek kunnen leren.
Drie keer per jaar komen ze op dezelfde tijden als anders maar staan er TWEE juffen voor hen klaar om hen elke les meer en steeds weer ietsjes moeilijker kneepjes van deze tak van sport bij te brengen.
De kinderen verheugen zich er op. En vinden het stiekem nog leuker dan de ‘gewone’ lessen, die eigenlijk ook al een klein feestje zijn, vergeleken bij de traditionele lessen die ouders zich soms herinneren uit HUN jeugd …. Tja.