Learn By Doing
Juffie Stieneke is known for helping each family and child 6 years and older to learn to play the violin fast well in a wonderful atmosphere in the Archipel neighbourhood in The Hague
Beyond the Books
The children and the parent ( who can join for free) not only learn the Suzuki repertoire but 3 times a year they enjoy the gypsy repertoire tremendously!
How To Register Your Child for De Jonge Violisten?
Please let me know the name and birthdate of your child and YOUR telephone number in an email to juffiestieneke@vioolles.info
Call For Inquiry
070 350 310 5
Mail For Inquiry
Unique email service after every lesson to parents (and practice helpers)
Links to all of the Suzuki songs by youtube links juffie Stieneke made for her own pupils
Special care for any student that needs it

Extra Curricular Programs
The Gypsy Academy and the Whitsun Workshop are great extra’s in this method.
Afterschool Sports
Most of may students are enrolled in sports as well as their 2 weekly violin lessons. Please do not book a sport session at violin times on Mondays and Thursdays
Former Students
years of Gypsy Academy
former students became professionals
year groups started successfully since 1978
Get In Touch
Location: Riouwstraat 23 2585 GP The Hague
Telephone: +31 70 350 310 5
Email: juffiestieneke@vioolles.info
School Hours: Please keep mondays and thursdays free for lessons and concerts